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Radisson Blu, Outer Ring Road, Charishma Hotels
LEED V4.1 Existing Building Platinum Rating and LEED Net Zero Carbon

InHabit is proud to announce that Radisson Blu Hotel, Outer Ring Road, Bengaluru has been awarded the prestigious Platinum Rating in the LEED V4.1 Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance Rating system.

InHabit has provided green building consultation and ratings facilitation services to Charishma Hotels Private Limited for their Radisson Blu Hotel at Outer Ring Road, Bengaluru, Karnataka. 

The hotel has exceeded Global and local averages in energy, water, waste, transportation and human experience criteria. With a full-fledged biogas plant and an inhouse water bottling plant, it is one of the best examples of green hotel operations. 

 Radisson Blu Hotel, Outer Ring Road, Bengaluru has also been awarded with the pinnacle of environmental performance achievements, the LEED ZERO CARBON Certification.

Radisson Blu Hotel, ORR is only the Seventh building in the country to achieve this significant milestone.  

The hotel has fully offset its annual carbon emissions of 4038 Metric Tons caused due to its transportation, electricity and diesel use. This was done through a combination of strategies which included on site and off site Solar Power plants, an on site Bio-gas plant and through the purchase of Gold standard Verified Carbon Units

Radisson Blu, Outer Ring Road by Charishma Hotels has scored a industry leading 84 points out of the available 100 making it one of the greenest hotels in the Region.

Reducing Water Consumption
  1. The development achieves significant amount of potable water savings compared to NBC standards by installing water efficient plumbing fixtures. 

  2. Large quantities of water are saved in irrigation by using the treated wastewater and stored rainwater to meet 100% of the irrigation demand.

  3. 100% wastewater and Effluent from laundry is treated to tertiary standards and will be used for landscaping & flushing purposes.

  4. The surplus treated wastewater will undergo additional ultrafiltration for utilization in the cooling tower.
  5. The site is a zero-discharge site with 100% of rainwater is stored and reused with the excess being recharged.

  6. Highly efficient drip and sprinkler irrigation systems are installed to further minimise non-potable water use.

  7. Domestic Water quality is regularly tested to ensure all BIS norms are met.

  8. All major sources of water consumption will be sub metered and monitored on a regular basis to identify any wastage. 

  9. Despite being a lodging facility, this building contributes to the reduction of freshwater demand by exclusively using recycled ETP water for laundry purposes.
Energy Efficiency
  1. This building operates as a fully net-zero energy structure, generating surplus energy through its off-site power plant.
  2. The surplus solar energy generated offsite is utilized for wheeling and banking purposes, thereby contributing towards the emission reduction.
  3. Energy meters have been installed in all major energy consuming areas including process loads and building loads.
  4. This building mainly depends on renewable energy sources like solar power, biogas and DG, with grid-purchased electricity playing a minor role.
  5. The entire building, and other ancillary facilities are completely conditioned and provided with sufficient fresh air ventilation.
  6. An ASHRAE level 3 energy audit was conducted to identify all areas of energy usage and every energy efficiency measure recommended is actioned phase wise. 
  7. All lighting used are high LPD LEDs with star certified fixtures. 
  1. All procurements are done through a local grocery store which in turn procures the raw material from the local Farmers markets.
  2. The project already has sustainable purchasing practices in place. These have now been formalised through the purchasing policy which has been created using the LEED V4.1 framework. 
  3. A dedicated team and a waste storage space are provided to store the collected waste before handing it over to the third-party recycler. The collected waste which are generated such as Paper, Cartons, glass waste will be sent to recycling on a weekly basis
  4. This building is committed to zero-plastic usage, as all materials, including toothbrushes and coffee mugs, are made from biodegradable and recycled products.
  5. The wet waste generated will be reclaimed onsite as a raw material for biogas production.
Indoor Environment Quality
  1. The project is designed to ensure over 100% of the regularly occupied spaces have Fresh air ventilation.
  2. Over 90% of the Building Occupants has Connectivity to the Exterior View
  3. All common areas in the building will be declared as no smoking zones. 
  4. Periodic indoor air quality tests are done to keep a check on indoor environmental conditions and remedial measures are taken as per the pollutant identified. 
  5. Annual human experience surveys are conducted among 25% of the staff to study the comfort conditions and record details of any workplace issues faced by the staff. 
  6. The building has fully changed over to organic pest management and organic landscaping practices to minimize the use of harmful chemicals in the premises.
  7. All food served at the hotel are procured within 150 Kms radius to ensure freshness and minimize its transportation impact. 
  8. The hotel follows a robust green cleaning policy and has fully upgraded to using only natural and organic green cleaners.