Highest ranking Green Building on the Planet!

07.07.21 04:49 PM - Comment(s) - By Yusuf

Our project eFacility is the second highest ranking Green Building on the Planet!

Coimbatore has added yet another feather to its cap. It is now home to one of the greenest, smartest and the most automated buildings in the world.

The building, eFacility is the headquarters of SIERRA ODC Private Limited, a Coimbatore based enterprise facility management software company.

eFacility has scored a phenomenal 103 points out of the available 110 points in the LEED-NC (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - New Construction) rating system, making it world's second highest ranking green building rated by Green Building Certification Inc in the New Construction category.

eFacility is the highest ranking green building in India by a distance. The second spot in the New Construction category in India was achieved by Centre for Management of Coastal EcoSystems, Orissa scoring 85 points.

YT Enterprises were principal green building consultants and facilitated the "United States Green Building Council's LEED" certification for Sierra ODC Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore. eFacility, located at Kalapatti, Coimbatore has shown exceptional performance in almost every area of design, construction and operations. It is currently operating at Net Zero Energy and is fully Carbon Neutral in overall operations. It is also a zero discharge development with all the rainwater, wastewater and solid waste being processed and reused within the site.

The only resource that leaves the site is the excess electricity that the building produces through its Building Integrated Photovoltaics and Rooftop Solar System.

The development uses environmentally friendly building materials and high performance glass. It has set top standards in reducing environmental impact during construction.

The buildings have been designed to provide excellent indoor environmental quality through improved daylighting, fresh air ventilation and thermal comfort. There are many more factors that have brought about this major milestone:

Click here for more information on eFacility's achievement

eFacility truly offers a peak into how the buildings of the future should be. Sierra ODC are in the process of setting up a Green Learning Center at eFacility, where students, social enthusiasts, industry experts, and the general public can learn and appraise themselves on the impacts and ways to go green.

Visit greenestbuilding.com if you wish to learn more about the standout features of this development.


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